See what lovely folks across the Open Source ecosystem have to say about the Pledge.
The Open Source Initiative supports the Open Source Pledge. By taking the Pledge, companies have one more instrument to commit to supporting an ecosystem of maintainers and organizations, ensuring the long-term health of the Open Source projects they rely on.
The Open Source Pledge aims to prevent maintainer burnout and reduce the risk of high-profile security incidents that can impact the broader tech ecosystem. We urge PHP-based companies, developers, and organizations to join.
The Open Source Pledge's simple message is incredibly important. Companies: pay your share.

As businesses and individuals rely more heavily on OSS, the strain on maintainers to provide timely updates and security patches continues to grow. The Pledge will support OSS maintainers and inspire a shift toward healthier work-life balance and more robust software security practices.
We encourage other organizations to join us in supporting the Open Source Pledge. By doing so, you’ll help ensure that the OSS ecosystem remains healthy and sustainable, and that developers are recognized for the critical work they do.

The Open Source Pledge is taking a step toward making open-source sustainability a mainstream issue that can no longer be ignored.

We need companies to pay maintainers, or the 15,000 packages in Django's ecosystem will be at risk. By joining the Open Source Pledge, you are investing in the stability, security, and growth of the entire tech ecosystem.
For far too long technological giants have reaped the fruits of commercial products built on top of FOSS while the maintainers of these core dependencies are often left unpaid.
The Open Source Pledge addresses a critical challenge facing the sustainability of the foundation upon which much of modern technology is built. We enthusiastically support it.
The Open Source Pledge is such an important endeavor. We need companies to start paying for the value they're extracting from Open Source software.

Great initiative. Much needed and vital for the next step of internet growth. 💪

Great initiative to get companies who wouldn’t exist without the digital public good of Open Source software to give back.

I can't overstate how excited I am about this. ❤️